INFJ Careers: What to Avoid, What to Choose
What do you want to do when you grow up? For some of us younger INFJs (including myself), we worry about this topic quite regularly. As...

Myers Briggs Personality Test: The Good and Bad of INFJ
I love my personality tests like I love my Baja Blast Mt. Dew. Only yesterday I spent a good hour discovering what Disney princess best...

The Two Percent Effect
We INFJs tend to think we are pretty darn special. Most people do, INFJ or not, but once we INFJs learn we are the rarest personality...

The Empath Effect
I’m not a crier. That’s a pretty bold statement for an INFJ, but a true one. More fun (but unrelated) facts: I can’t whistle, and I’m...

The Chameleon Effect
I know only one other INFJ. I just found out last week actually, even though I met her five years ago. Surprised? You shouldn’t be, and...