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What is Myers Briggs?

Myers Briggs, a personality test created by Isabel Briggs Myers and Katherine Briggs, categorizes individuals into one of sixteen personality types. The chart below breaks down the eight main fuctions of the Myers Briggs Type. Each individual will recieve either an E (extraverted) or an I (introverted), a S (sensing) or a N (intuition), a T (thinking) or a F (feeling), and finally a J (judging) or P (perceiving). The combination of these functions create a unique personality type that sees the world and acts in a distinct manner. To take the test, please click here.

Chart courtesy of

What is the INFJ type?

The INFJ type is one of the sixteen Myers Briggs personalities type, characterized by its  key functions of I (introversion), N (intuitive), F (feeler), and J (judging). The INFJ type equals approximately two percent of the population, making it the rarest type. What makes the INFJ the rarest type? A combination of factors cause INFJs to remain rather rare. While introverted, INFJs also exercise the F (feeling) function. While three other Myers Briggs types also combine introversion and feeling, INFJs act as the most extroverted of the introverted personality types because of their intense focus on helping and understanding others. Additionally, INFJs utilize the intuition (N) function, which appears less often than the sensing (S) function in the general population. The N function tends to create imaginitive dreamers, but the combination with the J (judging) function results in individuals who both dream and act. Judging refers to the preference toward planning, organization, and setting strict boundaries. INFJs combine the N function (the more flexible function compared to its counterpart S, or sensing, function) and the J function (the less flexible function compared to its counterpart P, or percieving, function), which describes only a portion of the contradictions that exhist within the INFJ type by nature. For more information, please visit the Related Websites page, which will direct you to numerous resources centered on the Myers Briggs personality types. 

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