Confessions of an INFJ:
A Myers Briggs Blog

About Me: Stars Wars Style
At this very moment in a galaxy not that far, far away…
An average college student named Mackenzie journeys the Earth. She binge watches Netflix, has so much homework she sometimes wishes for death, and she plans on taking over the world. (She knows it’s not a very challenging goal, but she’s a little busy with school at the moment.)
But, you may ask, what makes this daring heroine different from the other mere mortals?
She loves English, Harry Potter, Scar from the Lion King, soccer, Baja Blast Mt. Dew, kittens, Captain America, ice cream... AND she’s an INFJ!
Almost a year ago Mackenzie’s journey as an INFJ first began. She and her roommate lounged on the couch and enjoyed an in-depth, psychological discussion. (Yes, they are apparently those types of college kids.) Her
roommate mentioned the holy Myers Briggs test, spouted off an acronym that identifies her (INFP), and, being the considerate and wonderful individual that she is, Mackenzie worried a bit about her roommate’s sanity. Her roommate quickly became animated and practically forced the test into Mackenzie’s tiny, baby-like hands. (Seriously, she has really small hands. And dinosaur-like arms.) Loving personality tests, Mackenzie bravely agreed to take the test and received her result: INFJ. Then everything changed.
She started out mildly curious, poor thing, but little did she know that INFJs have this nasty habit of obsession. Instead of dating like normal students, Mackenzie decided to read up on this whole “INFJ thing.” As we could expect, she spent hours researching that first night, and her obsession only continued to grow until it rivaled society’s obsessions with Frozen. (Honestly people, Frozen has its moments, but calm it down. It’s not like it’s the Lion King or anything. Just let it go. Let it go! Can’t hold it back anymore! Let it go! Let it go! Turn away and slam the door!)
Ahem… darn catchy tune… where was I…? Oh yes…
Suddenly, somewhere in all that madness, something clicked inside our protagonist. She had always known something was missing in her life, even though she aced tests, won sporting events, saved cats from trees, and even rescued babies from burning buildings (or, at least, that’s how she remembers it). Yet, she still felt disconnected, and she never could articulate why until she took this sacred test. Mackenzie had been missing this self-realization. She needed that “you’re a wizard, Harry” or “Luke, I am your father” moment. She had felt disconnected for so many years, but all of these blogs and posts made her recognize her normality; or, at least, normality according to INFJ standards (which really isn’t normal at all, but that’s a different story altogether).
Mackenzie then, heroically, decided to do something bold. She would search the great galaxy of Google (but not Yahoo, even she lacks the courage needed to explore that outer darkness) and search for lost INFJ souls. She would create a website and help others gain that same self-realization she experienced. She would share her wild and crazy INFJ adventures and hear other INFJ stories in return.
And this is where our protagonist leaves us…